Michael B Linton

Monday, May 25, 2009

Hope Update 052509

First, happy Memorial Day. We praise God for the sacrifice of the men and women that have died for our freedom.

Now for the update.

We have some great news! We are finally moving our Bible study into the Residents’ Club in Summerwood! This has been one of our goals for a couple of months now and it’s finally happening. This is really going to give us much better exposure to the wider community of Summerwood. Pray that this new tool in our arsenal will be effective in getting our name out there. We are still in the stage of needing name recognition as much as anything.

Thanks again to that family that donated the money to pay for our entire lease of the apartment. We will be moving out of it in July, but we would not be where we are now if it had not been for their generosity.

With these new opportunities come new monthly expenses. We would love to have anyone who is able sponsor a particular need in this new opportunity. I’ve listed the new needs and their monthly costs. If you would like to support one of these areas, you can mail us a check or give online at our website. The needs are as follows:

Community center rent: $25 per week
Summerwood newsletter $50 per month
Storage unit $100 per month

We also are beginning another round of Financial Peace University this summer at the home of Brett and Amy Passmore. Please pray that this allows us an opportunity to begin some new relationships and continue to see Hope Fellowship grow.

Thank you for all that you do for us and please continue to lift us up in your prayers.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hope Update 051709

This is after the fact, but we had a great turnout for a cookout at the pool. It was cooler and cloudier than we had planned for, but it still worked out great. We had about 50-55 people turn out, and about half of those were new contacts. We are about to barrel into the summer with a lot of different outreach activities. I’ve listed a few that you can begin praying for:

More cookouts
Handing out breakfast at the apartment gates
4th of July parade
Advertising in the Summerwood newsletter

One major prayer request is the moving of our Bible study to the Summerwood Community Center. The management company that runs it is EXTREMELY slow and unorganized. We have done everything necessary and thought we would hold our first meeting there on May 5th. We still have not moved in. Pray that the company will get their act together and we will be able to move in soon. Meeting there will open us up to the community in a way we haven’t had before.

If you would like to make a donation of $10 or so to help pay for the cookout, that would be awesome. You can go HERE and give online.

Thanks so much for all you do.